Saturday, August 16, 2014

When all else fails..

Ive tried every diet known to women.. every pill .herbs .cabbage.magic fat melting mircle..water water water..starved. sometimes it works.. sometimes you gain.. sometimes you cry like a bitch in an empty cheetoes bag. if I lose a few pounds trust me its muscle or water weight.. When it fails ..because I give up after a few weeks makes me feel like I have no hope and no self control..but let me just say if you have ever been on a diet for more than 4 and a half minutes you have self control. You just have to get past the next 4 and a half minutes..then the next..then the next. Your supposed to love your body at all stages of the journey well thats just bullshit. A big ole ass with dimples or floppy tits without dimples its all bullshit. Hang a tshirt on it and hope you dont have to pull it down over your big fat bubble guts all day. It took 45 years but finally the plan that works...wait for it..wait for it.. THE STOP EAT SHIT DIET! I had to just stop it. I still have body issues but my body doesnt hate me anymore I put stuff in it that helps it not the crap that rips it apart because it cant process shit. When I give in to cravings..or lets just say it..when I fuck up! My body gets sick and it takes at least 2 days of loving myself to feel better. Whether its the puke the diarrhea the constipation..or the dreaded headache its all part of the punishment and I WILL NEVER LEARN. But when all else fails I start over..every 4 and a half minutes

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