Saturday, August 2, 2014

W- stands for wide load

A Well ending to' being pissy' week... I have been eating like a bear storing up for winter on nuts berries cheese (do bears eat cheese?) and anything else that fits in my clinched fist. The stress that has been flowing thru my body has ended on my belly and my bootie is saggin but the belly is stickin!! But!!...butt I say...I go in the store and dont buy oreos like I wanted I walk away and go straight to this ugly skirt... xl..too big..l..too big.. M!!!! I FIT A SIZE FREAKIN  M!!!!!! never have I ever !!! so I buy the ugly thing just because its medium and guess wearing the damn thing and I'm happy about it. Got some M overalls too and im letting my bugs bunny arms dangle in the wind while I wear them...proudly...stomach be damned :) my normal size W for wide load has turned upside down and M will be my crown! Thinking of wearing a cape too.. size M :) and F ..for fuck yea im wearing an M !

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