Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Fed the fuck up

If anyone who knows me is reading this they know I am the nicest person on the planet and it takes alot to make me mad. If I dont like you there is really something wrong with you. Im not the kind of person who would mistreat anyone or deliberately hurt you (unless u hurt my kid) so I find myself dealing with a couple of situations that im not sure how to handle because before if someone upset me I would eat. Not a meal that I would get second helpings..eat.. like a cartoon dog eating hotdogs out of a ditch. All would be well because I would be too sick to be upset and rainbows and sunshine would radiate from my butt. My love for fun and laughter seem to be a railroad for confrontional people... Always negitive miserable gutted assholes who talk down to everyone around them..I dont want that atmosphere in my life. YOU HAVE A PERSONALITY DISORDER MAM' ... but I smile and answer when I need to then I go grab a handful of yogurt covered berries and eat till I want to puke. There has to be a better way..but what is it..how do I deal with people who are dick douches or someone who hurts me and then trys to blaim me for it. I call you out on your bullshit and somehow I'm the bad guy???? I dont want to become hateful and I sure dont want to be fat so I dont have any solutions. I do know that you think your life is going sweet and all is well then BAM something happens that changes you..like a train hitting you from behind and your left with???... something different. My friend Lindsey says its life that hits you...I said..well life sucks!  Life doesnt suck..its good but some people suck. Too bad I cant eat them :/

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