Sunday, September 28, 2014

Life is a box of choc..shit!

Life happens.. in the middle of just happens.  You get in a routine and then shit starts happening and your routine falls to little tiny rabbits turds all over your path to success. I know this blog is about my weight loss journey and the bullshit river im drowning in but I must trail off the norm for a minute. Our darling daughter got married this weekend and I cant tell you the emotional roll a coaster I have been on. Stress yes but watching her be so excited and happy has been true happiness for me. I would hear her laughter as she went from event to event yesterday and it was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. she has spent her entire life sick but has grown into the strongest most kind women I know who takes no bullshit from anyone. And I could not be more proud to be her mom.... so with all the moving and wedding planning I have had no time to cook and pre..prepare my meals. I haven't eatin a bunch of junk but have skipped meals and left out greens and water somedays. That is even worse than eating bad stuff cause my fat thinks its starvin and wont leave its nice warm home around my stomach. I have not run everyday or even walked fast...I also noticed during this busy busy month that what boobs I have left have become flat. Not flat chested but flat like they have been put in a waffle maker and smashed. WTF. And then I go to the store cause im am constantly going somewhere and I realized today I look like a hobo who has been poppin tags. Ive lost all this weight and half the time my clothes are three sizes too big. Was looking good in clothes that dont ride up into your huge ass not part of the reason for weight loss? I have no answers as to why I do the crazy shit I do but when I find out this scooby doo mystery I will know why I was so damn fat. One day I will be able to open a box of chocolates and eat just 1 piece. Till then I'll keep my head above water one event at a time. One drama at a time. One bullshit pile at a time.

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